A Storage House

Local Resources for new residents in Spokane Valley, WA

New to Spokane Valley?

Welcome to our community! At A Storage House, our mission is to serve our local community by offering a friendly, safe, and secure space to store your valued belongings. We’ve gathered some resources to help make your transition even easier.

Local Resources

USPS Change-Of-Address

Update your address to have your mail forwarded. 

Moving to the City of Spokane Valley

If you are planning to relocate to the Spokane region, to learn more information on education, health care, employment opportunities, and community activities: go to https://www.spokanevalleyed.org/living-here/.

Local Utility Providers

Utilities in Spokane Valley as well as curbside trash removal, are provided by independent entities. Find your service provider based on your location.

Central Valley School District

For over 100 years, Central Valley Schools have been committed to educational excellence in the Spokane Valley region. For more information on our schools, go to https://www.cvsd.org/.